Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mormans.. Whoa those mormons!

Mormans are always good for a laugh one way or another. From the stories of my dad just getting home from working night crew with his buddies in the early morning and inviting the door-to-door mormons to watch porn and have a beer with them, to Dan Dieteman's dad's classy Sinatra-esque "Mormons" ditty, to Orgazmo's mormon-turned-superhero Joe Young, it's not hard to find amusement with the topic.

But now I'm finding something that takes the cake. As I type, dear reader, I sit on the subway surrounded by mormons. Not in the sense that I'm on a crowded train and I'm the only one not wearing black dress pants, white dress shirt and a tie, but there is a group of three sitting in a triangle formation communicating with sign language across the train.

Now I'm not fluent in sign language, but judging from their movements I can take a few guesses as to what the conversation is about:
-cradling Baby Jesus
-Joseph Smith playing a trumpet
-seducing multiple wives in a movie theater
-trap doors, like the kind bad guys have in their offices
-flying a airplane while intoxicated
-sailors, or perhaps the Navy
-Jimmy "T-Bone" Hopkins
-wrapping Christmas presents

Of course, I'm probably wrong and they're talking smack about me like everybody else that doesn't speak English when I'm around.


RayFyst said...

B, I just caught up on your blogs while smoking one of those huge cigars. It's quite entertaining seeing your take on these comic book movies, although I did enjoy the Fantastic Four movies. Anyways, keep it up buddy.

kroneko said...

Funny, while in Singapore, I ran into a group of them too on the subway, except these ones talked. They were from Utah, and besides me were the only white people on the train. They were silent, until I asked them if they were from Utah. They happily responded "YES", and then spoke to me for a few minutes. Good times!