Thursday, November 23, 2006

REALLY weird dream

Last night I dreamt that I bought The Da Vinci Code on DVD. Then I was really pissed, because I realized I had bought The Da Vinci Code.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Merry Melodies

Here's a little tune that I like to sing to myself whenever life gets me down to remind me that it really ain't all that bad:

You think your life is difficult
Well mine's a little bit harder
You see
I've got this problem
My girlfriend is a vampire
Blond hair
Brown eyes
Thin waist
My prize
She sleeps during the day
When I'm not exactly tired
It ain't much fun in a coffin
My girlfriend is a vampire
Sucks blood
Likes bats
Big fangs
My love
You can't taker out in the sun
You can't take a picture of her
Her ex-boyfriend is a werewolf
My girlfriend is a vampire

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Olympics

I enjoy watching them, but curling? What the hell is up with that? Were they desperate to get another sport for people to compete in? You might as well add bowling to the Olympics (nothing against bowling, of course).