I've noticed that I've been incredibly delinquent with my blog posting. For a decent stretch, I was posting things pretty consistently, but alas -- it was not to be for long. Not since Easter have I posted anything, and here we are with the 4th of July upon us (aka the funnest holiday ever).
I'm here now to say 'no more!' I've somehow accumulated maybe 200 hits since the last time I logged in here, so that could very well be 200 people who are seeing nothing new. Or it could be one person that has been so anxious to see something new they've logged in approximately 2-3 times every day since my last post. Or I could be completely mistake and people could just be fond of the adorable killer rabbits from Night of the Lepus. Regardless, somebody's been looking at a lot of old news.
It's time for me to do some of this 'time management' that the business-types, like my boss, are always telling me I should get better at. For starters, I got one of these 'Black Jack' telephones. Did you know you can get Internet and electronic mail on your telephone now? Heck, this thing even has an alarm! Of course, it also has a 'to do' list application and one of my list's items has been 'blog' for a couple weeks. Honestly, there hasn't been a lot for me to say lately aside from "I'm so stoked for The Dark Knight" or "I'm sad that the Martian Manhunter is dead," so I decided to take a look at what exactly keeps me so busy from writing here when I
am flooded with ideas after the jump.