Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Catch phrases: they won't stop coming (that's what she said)

Yesterday's NY Post had an article talking about the lost art of the television show catch phrase. While the analysis does have a few good points, I beg to differ on this matter. Sure, we don't exactly have many characters worth making a talking plush doll out of (see: Bart Simpson, Urkel), but while we hear less of "eat my shorts," there's still plenty of Family Guy's "Giggity giggity" to go around and annoy the shit out of me.

For example, had this author ever seen The Office? Because if they had, they would know exactly where I'm coming from with the title of this article. Even if they haven't, it's not like you need to see a TV show to recognize a catchphrase. I've never seen a single episode of Entourage, but I get where "Hug it out, bitch" comes from.

Of course, I think that DVR and DVD's have helped us bring on catchphrases in a different capacity. While shows like The Office and Arrested Development have recurring phrases ("I've made a huge mistake" for Arrested Development), the phenomenon they've become on DVD has facilitated a surge in beloved quotes, quite similar to many films that were around when VHS and video stores started to become big (Ghostbusters, Stripes, Caddyshack).

Either way, TV is not at all like it used to be. But perhaps it's for the better. I know I'd rather see Tracy Jordan say something new and outrageous each week than set up some gag around his most beloved phrase over and over again.

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