Friday, November 21, 2008

Don't jerk me around, Ron Howard

When internet sites like Ain't It Cool News post rumors about movies that are coming out, that's one thing. Often times, you can tell when it's a lie. For example, I remember a fake script review that AICN posted for Star Wars: Episode III which had young Lando and Han Solo, and an appearance from Lando's father aptly named... Grando Calrissian.

But what happens when people you should trust start spreading such vicious and/or misleading rumors? More often than not, I get my hopes up for nothing. A prime example in recent years has emerged whenever Dan Aykroyd would be interviewed about anything and then he would talk about his latest draft for a Ghostbusters 3 script. First there was the Ben Stiller film, then there was the talk of Ghostbusters: Hellbent with Peter Venkman as a ghost in the film, then the CG movie, and now the legitimate one that they ran a story about in Variety. Still, it took years of lip service to get to that point, and I'm still skeptical that it will happen until they announce a production start date.

But of course, now that it looks like Ghostbusters 3 is a real possibility, something had to fill its shoes, and of course that would have to be the much desired Arrested Development movie. There have been a lot of people involved with the series saying "I'd like to do it" with people translating it to "we WILL do it," and now Ron Howard is throwing more fuel onto that fire:

And there you have it - straight from Opie's mouth. But will they ever have this time? We know that the Narrator is busy adapting crappy novels for the next decade, Gob has a kid to take care of, and George Michael would be more content as a normal kid instead of starring in movies. Am I being too much of a skeptic, or are you with me that we shouldn't hold our breath on these things?

At least we can have some reassurance that Ron Howard still came back to the roles of Opie Taylor and Richie Cunningham recently:

1 comment:

______ said...

Another well written blog by B-Ro.


I'm very much looking forward to GBIII....that'll be sweet...hopefully.