Friday, November 21, 2008

Somewhere else... Doomsday is coming!

Doomsday is a pretty lame villain (one of many in Superman's rogues gallery) - just a random big, strong enemy for Superman to punch the crap out of. And he has shards of bone sticking out of his body. And he hit Supergirl so hard she turned into goo!

The only time I ever remotely cared about Doomsday is when Grant Morrison was in All-Star Superman when Jimmy Olsen turned into it, although Death of Superman is a decent story for one of those 'big Superman and a bad guy brawling' type of stories. Anyway, Smallville is a pretty lame show - always twisting the Superman mythos in awful ways. But at last -- the two are together as one! The Pefrect Storm!

Now surely, I did not watch the Doomsday episode of Smallville, but I did happen to find this commercial. Now, is it me or does Doomsday look more like Lord Zed from Power Rangers?

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