Wednesday, December 17, 2008

That cat looks scared. And a cat should not be eating spaghetti.

I've had the good fortune of knowing of Nerf Herder, and in turn Parry Gripp, for several years now thanks to WSBU including the song "Sorry" in their regular rotation. I was reintroduced to Parry Gripp's music my senior year of college when somebody in my class made a music video to one of his jingles on his album "For Those About to Shop, We Salute You".

Well it seems Parry is still making jingles, but now he's taking aim at Youtube fads. On that note, I give you a few of the finer selections after the jump.

Spaghetti Cat (I Weep For You)

Young Girl Talking About Herself

Soccer Ball (In The Face)

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