Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Easter from Hell

In the spirit of mocking people who leave generic messages like "Happy Thanksgiving!" with a cute dressed up pilgrim on my MySpace wall, I like to think of ridiculous things to put on people's walls. With the impending Easter coming up and along with it a rash of sparkly bunnies and Zombie Jesus comments getting plastered on MySpace, I spent a good ten minutes racking my brain trying to think of the perfect thing to leave for my dear MySpace friends.

In the process of coming across the perfect accompaniment to my Easter greeting, I came across this fine trailer you will witness after the jump.

Smart marketing there. One of the key techniques for Jaws and, more recently, Cloverfield was to show very little of the monster in the end, and it worked for them. I don't think Night of the Lepus had the same fortune because I'm sure most of you have never even heard of it until now.


I've got a Brando Extravaganzo Exclusivo clip from the film revealing what the monster is!

Unless you know what a lepus is or telegraphed it based on the title of the post.. shocking, right??

1 comment:

kroneko said...

Brilliant! Now I have something to show children in the future if they ever saw "awe, I want a bunny-wabbit"...that'll put the fear 'em...haha!