Sunday, July 14, 2013


This was originally posted at, a wrestling blog I started but gave up on maintaining because that's how that stuff goes.

Daniel Bryan, arguably the favorite to 
win tonight’s Money in the Bank All-Stars match.
Ever since WrestleMania 29 earlier this year, the WWE product has seen arguably its biggest overhaul since the early Oughts when they figured out how to manage the influx of talent from their purchase of WCW. Its expanded, multiplatform storytelling strategies along with the new blood being placed in the main event scene has led to quite a few thoughts on the business swirling through my head.

This summer is a great time to be a WWE fan because we’re witnessing a bit of a renaissance, both in terms of talent elevation and how storylines unfold. We’re seeing a lot of relatively new faces being built into main eventers for the company, most notably Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk (who I realize has been around for awhile now, but he is still worth noting based on the astronomical leaps of faith WWE has put in him these past two years). Hell, they’ve finally managed to establish Mark Henry as a monster heel, and if John Cena weren’t booked as an unbeatable Superman every month, you’d think he would likely walk out of tonight’s Money in the Bank as the new champ.