Friday, August 3, 2007

Civil War Beard

Today I saw a ferocious Civil War Beard. Not only did this guy have a Civil War Beard, but he had a goatee, too. Those of you familiar with the concept of a CWB are probably thinking, "Wait.. that's impossible!" Nope.

This guy's Civil War Beard cut up across his cheeks, instead of at the jowels like your run of the mill CWB. This allowed him to have some extra room to spare on his face to grow the goatee.

In addition, he had bright red hair. As a result, he wasn't just any Civil War lookin' guy, but he was a pissed off drunken Irish Civil War guy who had a goatee along with his traditional beard. With these powers combined, I saw a pretty original Civil War Beard today across the street from good ol' Joe's Pizza.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Post party note

Big thanks to everyone who came to the party last night. It was quite a success, as just about everything was eaten which means my father will have the good fortune of not being forced to eat beef sandwiches for the next three weeks.

So I think about three people walked into the door, and Andy put an end to his mortal enemy at last.

A lot of people assumed it was a graduation party, but it really wasn't. That's cool though, because I got some cards. I got a particularly lovely card from my grandmother congratulating me on graduating... but from high school, not grad school. There was twenty bucks in it, so that's cool anyway.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New York F'n City

Today I saw the following:

-a fake mustache on a street sign pole
-Hot Fuzz
-some heroes of mine aka Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Edgar Wright

Thursday, February 1, 2007

I am enraged at YOU, Boston

I read the Boston Globe at lunch today, and I'm not too happy about all this hoopla about the Lite Brite Mooninites mistaken for bombs. Probably the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that the news keeps reporting this as a 'hoax.' A hoax is something done with the INTENT to deceive. If they intended on deceiving people into thinking there were bombs all over, then it would be a hoax, and then all the people running the city of Boston could be justified in called everyone involved 'irresponsible.'

I'm sure there will be more ranting to come when I'm out of work and have more time to think and type about it, and mainly how the thing that scares me is the potential threat to freedom of speech rights.

On the upside of this, I did see a front page today with pictures of the Aqua Teens with the headline "Wad A Joke!"